Činnosti, které financujeme (pouze v angličtině)

Funded projects
Men's Health Partners
We work closely with our global men's health partners to ensure collaboration, transparency and accountability for every project we fund. We monitor this through report cards which detail what we seek to achieve, key measures and the impact.
Prostate Cancer
"Together with the brightest minds in research, we aim to achieve significant breakthroughs in the hope of beating prostate cancer. Our disruptive funding approach identifies revolutionary ways to accelerate health outcomes by creating strong, global collaborative teams." Dr. Colleen Nelson, Global Scientific Chair.
Men's Health
"One Mo can help change the face of men’s health through the powerful conversations created globally during Movember. Men have the chance to confidently discuss men’s health with people around them, resulting in men taking action early, helping change and save lives." Paul Villanti, Executive Director, Programmes
Mental health and suicide prevention
“The number of men taking their own lives around the world is one of the biggest challenges of our time. Movember is working to ensure all men and boys look after their mental health and are comfortable to seek help when they’re struggling.”
Brendan Maher, Global Director, Mental Health and Suicide Prevention.
Testicular Cancer
“Despite being the 2nd most common cancer in young men, testicular cancer is often a forgotten cancer due to early detection and treatment. Our projects look at underinvested areas such as improving access to healthcare services and treatment options for relapse” Paul Villanti, Executive Director, Programmes.

Veterans and First Responders - Germany DiskussionsForum

Movember Funding to Date

Global funding AUD equivalent 11,847,907

What we seek to achieve

To improve the mental health/wellbeing and prevent suicide of first responders and veterans in Australia, Canada, Germany, Ireland, United Kingdom, United States and New Zealand. This will be achieved through funding research proposals aimed at building the case to develop and implement effective prevention programs and/or test new evidence-based programs.

Gillette AUD equivalent 1,381,676
Implemented by
Project start date
September 2020
Project Status
In Progress

About the project

In 2020, Movember and The Distinguished Gentleman’s Ride (DGR) with additional funds from Gillette (for the UK and Germany only) launched a Grant Program across seven countries (United Kingdom, Australia, United States, Canada, New Zealand, Ireland and Germany) focused on veterans and first responders' mental health and wellbeing.  

Based on the findings of a 2019 Movember commissioned scoping review that identified a gap in the published literature showing effectiveness of current programs,  funding was provided to support scalable mental health and/or suicide prevention programs that can be rigorously evaluated, use a gendered lens, focus on a broad range of mental health outcomes (i.e., not just PTSD), and a wide range of traumatic and non-traumatic (organizational and operational) stressors. 

The Diskussionsforum was funded to implement and evaluate 'RUPERT' receiving EUR 320,385 in project funding.

Project Description: RUPERT is an online program to promote mental health of full-time and volunteer emergency services technicians/staff in Germany.  The program includes an online 'chat' forum; as well as psychoeducation modules utilized in both basic and advanced training to promote long-term mental health of emergency rescue workers. 

(Local investment EURO 378,172)

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