The Work We Fund

Funded projects
Men's Health Partners
We work closely with our global men's health partners to ensure collaboration, transparency and accountability for every project we fund. We monitor this through report cards which detail what we seek to achieve, key measures and the impact.
Prostate Cancer
"Together with the brightest minds in research, we aim to achieve significant breakthroughs in the hope of beating prostate cancer. Our disruptive funding approach identifies revolutionary ways to accelerate health outcomes by creating strong, global collaborative teams." Dr. Colleen Nelson, Global Scientific Chair.
Men's Health
"One Mo can help change the face of men’s health through the powerful conversations created globally during Movember. Men have the chance to confidently discuss men’s health with people around them, resulting in men taking action early, helping change and save lives." Paul Villanti, Executive Director, Programmes
Mental health and suicide prevention
“The number of men taking their own lives around the world is one of the biggest challenges of our time. Movember is working to ensure all men and boys look after their mental health and are comfortable to seek help when they’re struggling.”
Brendan Maher, Global Director, Mental Health and Suicide Prevention.
Testicular Cancer
“Despite being the 2nd most common cancer in young men, testicular cancer is often a forgotten cancer due to early detection and treatment. Our projects look at underinvested areas such as improving access to healthcare services and treatment options for relapse” Paul Villanti, Executive Director, Programmes.

USA - Mass market, multi-platform public media documentary series & campaign

Movember Funding to Date

USD 2,400,000

What we seek to achieve

This project uses a mass market, multi dimensional campaigns to shift populations understanding, attitudes and intentions and ultimately improve health outcomes on a large scale. Focusing on Youth Mental Health we will be working in partnership with PBS to deliver a documentary series supported with educational, digital and in person elements delivered across the USA.

United States
Implemented by
Movember, PBS, Ken Burns & Weta Productions
Project start date
January 2019
Project Status
Project Complete

About the project

The program includes multiple parts – a prime-time documentary series with PBS airing on more than 350 stations in over 150 U.S markets, an expansive program of national outreach, the development of education tools and resources, an interactive website and digital tools, mobile devise downloads and apps, additional short form content distribution, direct engagement of youth and communities, celebrity ambassadors, events, screenings and panel discussions.
"Documentaries and other media-based interventions have huge potential in the suite of interventions designed to improve men’s mental health and wellbeing and reduce their high suicide rate.”

Taking the research and learnings from our successful Australian program investment “Man Up” and our ongoing behaviour change work in health promotion for men we will,
-Amplify our learnings and impact
- Take a leading role in influencing the development and distribution of multiple components of the initiative
- Reach millions of boys, adolescents, men and the supporting communities of them
- Drive shifts in understanding, knowledge, intentions and ultimately improved health in boys and men

This is a three year project, culminating in the airing of the final production in 2022. We will play an active and leading role in the projects oversight advisory groups and provide our learnings, evidence and research from our previous investments.

The development of the project elements and deliverable internally will be overseen  by a select Project Advisory Group (PAG) to include a variation of expertise and cross-functional representation.

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