Take control of your health and look after yourself. Start here.

Check in regularly with friends and family
It’s all too easy to prioritise other aspects of your life but make sure you put effort into staying connected with friends – for your own benefit but also theirs too.

The best thing you can do for your health is to stay active. How you move is up to you. Whether it’s a work out one day, a quick jog at lunchtime the next, an hour at the ping-pong table, or an epic bike ride, no move is too big or small.

Talk about the big stuff in life
The break up of a relationship, loss of a job, financial trouble or becoming a father are big moments in a man’s life that happen to many men. It’s important to recognise the impact of these and know it’s ok to talk about how you’re coping with the change.

Knowledge is power
Family history is one of the most powerful tools to understanding your health. Family history affects your level of risk for cancer, diabetes, heart disease and stroke, among other illnesses. It all starts with a conversation; talk to your family and take note of illnesses that a direct relative has experienced. Be sure to learn about relatives that are deceased as well.

If you notice something, do something
You know your body better than anyone. If you notice something isn’t feeling right, don’t put it off and hope that it goes away, go to the doctor and get it checked out. Early detection is the most important factor in treating the big issues.
Learn more about your health
We're focused on improving awareness and education of some of the most serious health issues affecting men. Learn the facts about these issues:
Need help navigating a chat with someone who might be struggling? Use these simple tips to open and guide the conversation.
If you’re feeling low or overwhelmed, don’t hesitate to reach out for support.